My Story...
My story was over
Before it began.
He said "Boy, I'll shoot you
Right where you stand!"
I asked "But Dad, Dear father
Do you care for me naught?"
"Once, I truely did.
That was before you were caught
Sleeping with males?
What a disgusting sight!
I will kill you, my son
Before the end of the night."
I cried and I begged
For my pathetic young life.
Nothing would he hear
His heart held but strife.
Just when I thought
He had come to his senses
Pellets cut through my skin
Penetrating my defenses.
I fell to the ground
He stood over me grinning.
"That's what you get, boy
When you spend your whole life sinning"
I watched with horror
As he shed not one tear.
He raised his hand
He finished his beer.
My blood soon coagulated
At the base of my spine
I took one last breath
And finished dying.
My story was over
Before it began.
He said "Boy, I'll shoot you
Right where you stand!"
I asked "But Dad, Dear father
Do you care for me naught?"
"Once, I truely did.
That was before you were caught
Sleeping with males?
What a disgusting sight!
I will kill you, my son
Before the end of the night."
I cried and I begged
For my pathetic young life.
Nothing would he hear
His heart held but strife.
Just when I thought
He had come to his senses
Pellets cut through my skin
Penetrating my defenses.
I fell to the ground
He stood over me grinning.
"That's what you get, boy
When you spend your whole life sinning"
I watched with horror
As he shed not one tear.
He raised his hand
He finished his beer.
My blood soon coagulated
At the base of my spine
I took one last breath
And finished dying.