Standing alone
During a torrential downpour
Not a stich of clothing i wear.
I stop to think
But cannot remember
How I ended up out there.
I rap on the glass
Shout out my name
Begging myself to return.
I continue to stand
A vacant look on my face
Water so cold, my skin starts to burn.
I really don't know
How my body and mind
Became seperated as such.
I'll continue to fight
Till I'm back where I belong
In my body that I miss so much.
Standing alone
During a torrential downpour
Not a stich of clothing i wear.
I stop to think
But cannot remember
How I ended up out there.
I rap on the glass
Shout out my name
Begging myself to return.
I continue to stand
A vacant look on my face
Water so cold, my skin starts to burn.
I really don't know
How my body and mind
Became seperated as such.
I'll continue to fight
Till I'm back where I belong
In my body that I miss so much.