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Monday, December 02, 2002

Undine Love

Cold polluted waters
Span across the earth
Her depths holding treasure
Beauty, wreckage, mutations.
Across her vast bed
Spanning thousands of miles
Lay centuries of warfare
Destruction, waste, death.
Ships sunk, bombs detonated
Vats of toxic waste, and sewage pumped by the second.
Oils spilled across her grand body.
More and more damage she takes
Soon she will rebel, soon will be her time.
A Tsunami of epic proportion awaits
To consume those who harm her.
To cleanse the earth of it's virus.
To remedy what ails her.

Disclaimer: Alot of the material herein can be considered violent and sensitive subject matter. Reader discretion is advised.

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FYI : In the near months, I am working on a self publication of all the poetry found on this site, as well as some new, unseen material. There will also be pictures to accompany some of the poems. Keep coming by for updates on the book.
All content copyrighted to Shayne Beausoleil,2001-current