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Friday, August 02, 2002

To where?
A man once told me
"Look to the heavens,
Look to the pale and full moon
Follow the moon till
You arrive where you should be
Where your heart carries a tune."

Luna led me
Through forest and rivers
Sand, swamps, deep mud and caves.
I travelled long
Still I pressed on
Walking for many many days.

Hunger struck me
Ignored it I did
Not faltering from my trail.
Almost nearing
My destination
I felt weak, my skin was pale.

Set before me
A taste of heaven
Everything one could desire.
True hapiness
One single longing
My life did then expire.

Monday, July 29, 2002

Yourself betrayed
Steadfast and true
From my mind to you
My sight never fails.

And what if I see
Another incarnation of me
Punctured with rusty nails?

Will you betray my heart?
Destroy my soul from the start?
Deal the killing blow to my head?

I have thought this through
I'm here to love you
But you would rather me dead.

So I wait for the day
Which you give yourself away
Then I'll know what you really intend.

With my thumb up my ass
Constantly passing gas
I'll kill you, but my heart will mend.

Disclaimer: Alot of the material herein can be considered violent and sensitive subject matter. Reader discretion is advised.

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FYI : In the near months, I am working on a self publication of all the poetry found on this site, as well as some new, unseen material. There will also be pictures to accompany some of the poems. Keep coming by for updates on the book.
All content copyrighted to Shayne Beausoleil,2001-current