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Monday, January 13, 2003

Sunken hopes

My heart sinks deeper into my chest
And my chest sinks deeper into the ground
There is no light were I lay.
The only fresh air comes from a tube.

The silk lining smells fresh
Almost like 'new car' smell.
A distinct odor of pine is present
I'm sure I'm in a casket.

The box hits the ground
With a resounding thud
All is silent as I try to listen
For movement of any kind

Soft mumble , a woman's voice
A mound of dirt crashes atop my prison.
The fresh air still flows through the pipe
I still don't know why I'm here.

A cell phone rings?
In my pocket, I answer.
"Help, I'm trapped under ground!!"
"I know, I put you there."

The woman's voice is soft.
"Make no noise, make no fuss
We'll keep your air tube opened.
Your oxygene won't last without it."

"Why am I here, what did I do?"
I beg her to release me, but she won't.
"Your father is an important man.
He controls the drug imports."

She continues to explain.
We want that to change.
If he loves you more than his drugs
You'll live. If not.....

The phone disconnects.
Seconds after, the battery dies.
I thought my father to be an honest man.
He's lied to me my whole life.

It's my eleventh birthday
The day after the next
I hope I get to see my mother again
My father, I could care less.

Time passes, I don't know how long.
Without warning, the airflow stops.
I try to suck on the tube.
My efforts fail completly.

The air is getting thick and heavy
It's becoming difficult to breathe.
But the worst thing of all this
Is the betrayal, my fathers last gift to me.

Disclaimer: Alot of the material herein can be considered violent and sensitive subject matter. Reader discretion is advised.

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FYI : In the near months, I am working on a self publication of all the poetry found on this site, as well as some new, unseen material. There will also be pictures to accompany some of the poems. Keep coming by for updates on the book.
All content copyrighted to Shayne Beausoleil,2001-current