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Friday, April 12, 2002

A night's delight
Running through the mists
Of deception and lies
Passing trees of gnarled wood.
Hoping the light might
Once again touch my face
Hoping, once again, to be good.

The night has just begun
My young innocent friend
Under the light of the full moon.
Your thoughts, they will change.
A raging beast will be free
Then, will your body be in tune.
With the forces of nature
The forces of good
The forces of all that is right.
You will be come strong,
My friend, and brave as well.
All this will happen tonight.

To my dismay
My control is lost
And I kill with no remorse.
Drinking thier blood
Eating their flesh
Life's circle taking it's course.

At the night's end
I feel weak
Not Recalling a single event.
My clothes are torn
My mouth tastes of copper.
I wonder what this note could have meant?

"My friend, you've done it.
You are now complete.
You probably don't remember a thing.
But I'll be back
To teach you some more.
It will have a familiar ring"

I crumple it up
And toss it aside.
Forgetting it ever read.
Imagery flashes
Blood splashes
The strangest thoughts live in my head.

Wednesday, April 10, 2002

A million nightmares
My only truth
All haunting me
Rude and uncouth.
Inky blackness
Shortness of breath
Complete isolation
Suffocating death.
Growing accustomed
At a slow pace
Toxic sensation
A comfortable place.
Time ticks away
Soon I grow bored
Of this nightmare land,
I am now Lord.

Sunday, April 07, 2002

How would I die.
To have you in my arms.
How would you die?
To be with me.
How could I live
If you are gone.
How could you live?
If I left you.

Feel what you feel
feel what you feel
Live how you live
Die at the end.

How can I see
The things you teach.
How can you see?
What I show you.
How did you know.
My thought that I keep.
How did I know?
Your love for me.

Love who you love
love who you love
hate who you hate
die in the end.

How has it come
to be my end.
How has it come?
To be your end.
Why does my heart
beat it's last beat?
Why can't your heart?
keep beating on.

why am I gone.....

Disclaimer: Alot of the material herein can be considered violent and sensitive subject matter. Reader discretion is advised.

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FYI : In the near months, I am working on a self publication of all the poetry found on this site, as well as some new, unseen material. There will also be pictures to accompany some of the poems. Keep coming by for updates on the book.
All content copyrighted to Shayne Beausoleil,2001-current